

I’m Maria. This is my little space online. I like to tell stories about my family and our shenanigans.

I’m a dancer, choreographer and social media creative based in NYC. Additionally I’m a freelance beauty and fashion trend writer and write for multiple outlets including THE NEW YORK MOM.

I’m rediscovering New York with kids in tow. I created this online space a few years ago to document the life milestones of Lily – my daughter. Since then… we’ve had another little babe – Thom and his milestones are now being documented.


This blog is a work in progress… it’s constantly changing and evolving and has sort of taken a life of it’s own.


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 This site is PR friendly. If you are interested in working or advertising with me don’t be shy, drop me a line! newyork.mom1@gmail.com


^^^ this is Lily. She’s amazing and totally fearless. She’s 8. And I’ve started scaling back on personal coverage about her. She is going to live in the jungle after high school and become a ‘jungle-girl’. I wish her all the luck in the world. She’s also going to be an astromaut and make friends with an alien, she’s a fashion girl and rides her bike really fast, she loves the beach and has the sweetest softest, kindest heart of anyone I have ever known.


^^^this is Thom. He was just born. He smiles a lot, poops a lot and loves Lily.


^^^ this is Jonah. He’s my beast. He loves cheese, squirrels and to snuggle all day errr-day.He is my baby… my sweet hairy baby.


^^^ this is my Mr. He is the love of my life.

@thenewyorkmom @mariacolaco @momgonestyle

The New York MOM is an online space that reflects the lifestyle, ideas and interests of Maria Colaco.

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I have worked with or currently work with: 

I write for: