Keep your dogs safe this season

*This post is Dog heavy… I have a dog and I know what he does. Cats are different and so are Iguanas, but I don’t have either so I can’t speak about them.*

Halloween can be a very dangerous time for dogs…not just Halloween but also Christmas…ok this entire rest of the year is dangerous for your pets.

Jonah ate Lily’s candy today and it made me think… “this crazy dog it going to get himself killed eating candy this season!”

Tips  for making sure your four-legged members of the family are safe and secure during this season.

  • Candy: No candy for dogs ummk! Chocolate is really bad for your dog, you know this already right, but so is all candy… because the silver foil wraps don’t digest easily and little Fido can’t unwrap the goodness before he eats it. In addition most candy contains this thing called – XYLITOLa common sugar substitute that can be deadly for pets…bad stuff. toxic! So watch the candy. If you do suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
  • Electric Cords: Fortunately Jonah is not one for chewing on things that don’t smell good. But some dogs do eat random things in the home… extension cords being one of them. I use Gaffer Tape to tape down my extension cords during this season. You pet could get electrocuted if he/ she ate an extension cord.
  • Pumpkins : Dogs like food. So they will eat it. So watch the jack-o-lanterns this season. If your dog eats the jack-o-lantern, he could get burned and then your house could get burned…be careful. I purchase electric votives from Target because between Jonah and Lily…someone might get hurt!
  • Costumes: Contrary to human belief NOT ALL DOGS LIKE TO PLAY DRESS UP. Please consider your dogs feelings. While some pups might love the glamour of it all, others… like Jonah hate it. They’re DOGS!  They don’t want to wear a tutu!  Jonah is a ladybug for Halloween. We have wings for him that he does not even notice.
  • Front Door: Not all dogs like people in costume and when that harmless ghoul or pirate or spiderman comes along, your four-legged protector might just want to defend your honor and attack! This does not bode well for your ‘friendly neighbourhood’ image. So please keep the four-legged ones away from the front door. Baby-gates come in handy!
  • Black Cats: Even though I don’t have a cat, I do like them. Halloween brings out the crazies ya know and if you have a BLACK CAT, please watch it like a hawk. Black cats are often the recipients of mean Halloween related cruelty. So keep em close.

Have fun this Halloween and do share your tips with me!